KnotMaker 2.3 | Written by Derek Smith and Dave Root |
Help - Keyboard and Mouse |
Help > Keyboard and Mouse |
These are the default keyboard and mouse shortcuts, all of which can be changed in the "Tools/Options" window (see Options):
Manipulating TilesThese keys and mouse clicks are used for placing tiles, spinning tiles, changing the color of tiles, etc.:
- Left-Click: When the "Draw By Placing Tiles" option is selected in the Drawing Options window, left-click in a grid cell to place the selected Toolbox tile onto the canvas at the selected layer of that grid cell.
When the "Draw By Bending Ropes" option is selected in the Drawing Options window, left-click on a gray dot in a grid cell to draw a Straight rope in the grid cell at the selected layer. One endpoint of the Straight rope will be at the spot where you clicked (marked with a black dot), and that endpoint will be fixed and unmoving. The other endpoint will move as you bend the rope by right-clicking (or shift+right-clicking). When you're finished bending the rope, press the spacebar to draw another Straight rope in the next grid cell, and then you can bend that rope by right-clicking (or shift+right-clicking).
When the "Draw By Selecting Endpoints" option is selected in the Drawing Options window, left-click on a gray dot to indicate one endpoint of the tile (the spot where you clicked will be marked with a black dot). Left-click on another gray dot in the same grid cell to indicate the other endpoint of the tile, and the appropriate tile will be drawn at the selected layer of that grid cell. A black dot and 8 gray dots will be displayed in the next grid cell so you can easily continue drawing.
- Shift+Left-Click: Changes the color of the tile in the current layer of the current grid cell.
- Right-Click: When the "Draw By Placing Tiles" option is selected in the Drawing Options window, right-click in a grid cell to spin the tile clockwise in the current layer of that grid cell.
When the "Draw By Bending Ropes" option is selected in the Drawing Options window, right-click in a grid cell to bend the rope clockwise to a different angle in the current layer of that grid cell. This only works if you've already indicated the fixed and unmoving endpoint by left-clicking a gray dot in that grid cell, or by pressing the spacebar to move to the next grid cell.
- Shift+Right-Click: When the "Draw By Placing Tiles" option is selected in the Drawing Options window, shift+right-click in a grid cell to spin the tile counter-clockwise in the current layer of that grid cell.
When the "Draw By Bending Ropes" option is selected in the Drawing Options window, shift+right-click in a grid cell to bend the rope counter-clockwise to a different angle in the current layer of that grid cell. This only works if you've already indicated the fixed and unmoving endpoint by left-clicking a gray dot in that grid cell, or by pressing the spacebar to move to the next grid cell.
- R, T, Y, F, G, H, V, B, N: Draws tiles using the "Draw By Selecting Endpoints" option.
Working with LayersThese keys and mouse clicks are used when working with layers in the Layers window:
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, Alt+1, Alt+2, Alt+3, Alt+4, Alt+5: Selects layer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, or 15.
- Alt+Up-Arrow: Selects the previous layer.
- Alt+Down-Arrow: Selects the next layer.
- U: Moves the current tile up a layer in the current grid cell.
- D: Moves the current tile down a layer in the current grid cell.
- Delete: Deletes the tile in the current layer of the current grid cell.
- Ctrl+U: Causes the active tile in the Layers window to become the active tile in the Toolbox (if the "Draw By Placing Tiles" option is selected in the Drawing Options window). This allows you to use an existing tile on the canvas to quickly and easily change the Toolbox icon to the desired tile and orientation and color.
- Ctrl+L: Swaps the contents of two layers (i.e. the tiles and their colors), making it easy to reverse a rope crossing.
- Ctrl+C: Swaps the colors in two layers.
- I: Selects "Insert" mode.
- O: Selects "Overwrite" mode.
- Insert: Toggles between "Insert" mode and "Overwrite" mode.
Other FunctionsThese keys and mouse clicks are used for various functions:
- Ctrl+I: Toggles the Layer Inspector icon (read only mode) on or off in the Toolbox.
- Arrows: The arrow keys move the black or turquoise cell border around the canvas.
- Shift+Arrows: Draws a red selection border around a group of cells.
- Ctrl+Up-Arrow or ScrollwheelUp: Scrolls the canvas up. The black or turquoise cell border will move as the canvas is scrolled, so the same cell will be highlighted as it scrolls across the canvas.
- Ctrl+Down-Arrow or ScrollwheelDown: Scrolls the canvas down. The black or turquoise cell border will move as the canvas is scrolled, so the same cell will be highlighted as it scrolls across the canvas.
- Ctrl+Left-Arrow or Ctrl+ScrollwheelUp: Scrolls the canvas to the left. The black or turquoise cell border will move as the canvas is scrolled, so the same cell will be highlighted as it scrolls across the canvas.
- Ctrl+Right-Arrow or Ctrl+ScrollwheelDown: Scrolls the canvas to the right. The black or turquoise cell border will move as the canvas is scrolled, so the same cell will be highlighted as it scrolls across the canvas.
- Page Up: Scrolls the canvas up half a page. The black or turquoise cell border will move as the canvas is scrolled, so the same cell will be highlighted as it scrolls across the canvas.
- Page Down: Scrolls the canvas down half a page. The black or turquoise cell border will move as the canvas is scrolled, so the same cell will be highlighted as it scrolls across the canvas.
- Ctrl+PageUp: Scrolls the canvas to the left half a page. The black or turquoise cell border will move as the canvas is scrolled, so the same cell will be highlighted as it scrolls across the canvas.
- Ctrl+PageDown: Scrolls the canvas to the right half a page. The black or turquoise cell border will move as the canvas is scrolled, so the same cell will be highlighted as it scrolls across the canvas.
- Ctrl+Home: Scrolls to the top left corner of the canvas.
- Ctrl+End: Scrolls to the bottom right corner of the canvas.
- Scrollbars: If you click the scrollbars to scroll the canvas then the black or turquoise cell border will not move as the canvas is scrolled. Therefore, a different cell will be highlighted with each movement of the canvas. This gives you two different options for scrolling the canvas, because scrolling behaves differently when you use the keyboard (as described above) vs using the scrollbars.
- ESC: If a window pops up in KnotMaker, the ESC key will cancel and close the window. If you've dragged a red selection border around a group of cells, the ESC key will remove the selection border.
- April 03, 2023 - Updated for v2.3.
- December 13, 2014 - Updated for v2.2.
- January 09, 2013 - Updated for v2.1.
- May 19, 2012 - New page.