First let's refresh our memories on some basic math facts.
Reminder #1: A number divided by itself equals one, as in these two examples.
Reminder #2: If we have an equation, we can multiply the
number (such as 2) on both sides of the equation.
Reminder #3: We can divide both sides of an equation by the
Now let's use those basic math facts to "prove" that 2 = 1.
Step A: If we have an equation, we can multiply the
number (such as 2) on both sides of the equation. See Reminder #2.
Step B: Notice that the first equation and the third equation shown in Step A are both equal to the same value. Therefore, they are equal to each other.
Step C: We can divide both sides of an equation by the
amount. See Reminder #3.
So apparently 2 equals 1!